Monday, February 22, 2010

Short Notes on Java Archive(JAR) file


The Java Archive (JAR) file format enables you to bundle multiple files into a single archive file. Typically a JAR file contains the class files and auxiliary resources associated with applets and applications


  • Security, A jar file can be digitally signed enabling users to verify the signature and then grant the program security privileges.

  • Decreased download time, since the archive is compressed it takes less time to download than it would to download each individual file.

  • Package Versioning, A Jar file may contain vendor and version information about the files it contains.

  • Portability, all Java Runtime Environments know how to handle Jar files.


  1. Making javafile and compile that

    package amir;
    public class Hello
    public static void main(String arg[])
    System.out.println("Hello its form inside amir package");


then amir directory have amir->


  1. Creating mainclass file:
    mainclass contains below line
    Main-Class: amir.Hello

  2. Making jar files:
    jar cmf mainclass myfirst.jar amir/Hello.class
    then u will get myfirst.jar

  3. Viewing jar files:
    jar tf myfirst.jar
    then it will show as below

  4. Running jar file:
    java -jar myfirst.jar
    Hello its form inside amir package

Monday, February 15, 2010

Java Basics-1

Class(Logical construct):
Template or Blueprint of an object.
Structure and Behaviour of an object.

Object(Physical reality):
Instance of a class .

Same method name and method signature to be vary.
Method signature -> number of arguements
-> order of arguements
-> diff data types
Method name and signature to be same.

abstract class:
It is a class that cannot instantiate. It can be extended or subclassed. It may or may not contain abstarct method. abstract method is a method to have only method definition not implementation(its ends with semi-colen without curly brackets). It is used to single inheritance.

It is a refernce type similar to a class. It contains common methods and constants to a group of classes.
All interface to be pure abstract. It is used to multiple inheritance.

In front of variable - to be constant.
In front of method - cannot override.
In front of class - cannot inherit.

public -> can acess within class / same package / other package.
private->can acess within class.
protected-> can acces within class / same package / parent-child relationship.
default-> can acces within class / same package .

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Short notes on Thread


A Thread is a path of execution of a program. A thread is a sequence of instructions that executed in a define unique flow of control.

SingleThread: A process is made up of one thread.

MultiThread: A process is made up of two or more thread.

Multitasking: It is a ability to do two or more tasks at a same time.

Create a Thread

-> extends Thread class
-> implements Runnable interface (its to be more useful because in big projects super class to be reserved one)

Process based:

It enables a computer to create more process concurrently. Each process having separate memory address location. So switches from one process to another , processor have face more overloads.

Thread based:

A program cotains more threads , it can do more tasks simultaneusly.

A processor switches from one thread to another with fewer overloads. It is also called as Light process.


  1. Improved performance

  2. Minimized system resource usage.

  3. Simultaneusly to use multiple application.

  4. Program structure simplification.


Race condition: When two or more threads try to access the same variable atleast one thread should to write that variable before to access. Its arised because of lack of synchronization.

DeadLock: When two threads are waiting for each other for complete their operation before complete their individual actions.

Lock-starvation: While execution of thread postponed because of that low priority. Java runtime environment executes the thread based on priority. Because CPU executes one thread at a time. Thread priority value 1-10.

Life Cycle:

1.New: While thread initialized it will enter to init state. After we should call start() method, Otherwise it will cause IllegalThreadStateException.

2.Runnable: Once start method called then it will enter to runnable state. Start method allocate each thread resource and sheduldes it ,then it will call run() method.

3.NotRunnable: 3 ways

-> sleep() - wait for specified time.

-> wait() - wait until notify.

-> Blocked by another thread – Blocked thread while I/O opeartion.

4.Dead: if run method completed or thread object to be asign to null then its enter to this state.

Synchronization: Used to avoid racecondition or deadLock effects . Synchronization means serializing the threads. It allows to execute one thread at a time.