The Java Archive (JAR) file format enables you to bundle multiple files into a single archive file. Typically a JAR file contains the class files and auxiliary resources associated with applets and applications
Security, A jar file can be digitally signed enabling users to verify the signature and then grant the program security privileges.
Decreased download time, since the archive is compressed it takes less time to download than it would to download each individual file.
Package Versioning, A Jar file may contain vendor and version information about the files it contains.
Portability, all Java Runtime Environments know how to handle Jar files.
Making javafile and compile that
package amir;
public class Hello
public static void main(String arg[])
System.out.println("Hello its form Hello.java inside amir package");
javac Hello.java
then amir directory have amir->Hello.java
Creating mainclass file:
mainclass contains below line
Main-Class: amir.Hello -
Making jar files:
jar cmf mainclass myfirst.jar amir/Hello.class
then u will get myfirst.jar -
Viewing jar files:
jar tf myfirst.jar
then it will show as below
amir/Hello.class -
Running jar file:
java -jar myfirst.jar
Hello its form Hello.java inside amir package