S.No | Abstract | Interface |
1 | Single inheritance | Multiple inheritance |
2 | Non abstarct mtd also | Only abstarct mtds |
3 | Non-static and non-final variables also. | Variables must be static and final(implicitly) |
4 | Non public members also | Only public mbrs |
5 | Using extends keyword | Using implements keyword |
6 | It can invoke if main exists | Pure abtract |
7 | Faster | Flexible |
S.No | Constructor | Method |
1 | Member function of class. | Ordinary member function. |
2 | Same as class name. | Own name |
3 | Invoke using new operator | Invoke using dot operator. |
4 | No-return type. | It have. |
S.No | ArrayList | Vector |
1 | Its a growable array. | Synchronized ArrayList. |
2 | Not thread safe | Thread safe. |
S.No | HashMap | HashTable |
1 | Un ordered and un sorted map. Not thread safe. | Synchronized HashMap. Thread safe. |
2 | It allows one null key and multiple null values | It wont allow no null key/values. |
S.No | AWT | SWING |
1 | Heay Weight Component. | Light Weight Component. |
2 | Component use native methods. | Use the methods that r written in java. |
3 | It have their own viewport which sends the output to the screen. | It does not write itself to the screen, but redirect it to the component it builds |
4 | Platform dependent. | Platform independent. |
5 | Old | Its advanced AWT. 1.Its provide additional components like Jtable,JTabbedPane 2. can add icons and tooltips. 3. built on double buffering. |
6 | Support Event Delegation Model | MVC architecture, |
7 | Static Look and feel. | Dynamic Look and feel. |
S.No | InvokeAndWait | InvokeLater |
1 | Synchronous. | Asynchronous. |
2 | It blocks until runnable task is complete. | It posts an actionevent to the event queue and returns immediately. |
S.No | Font | FontMetrics |
1 | It is used to render text data onto the screen | It provides access to attributes of Font Objects, thing such as charwidth, charheight ,ascents and descent of a font Object. |
S.No | String | StringBuffer |
1 | Immutable(cant change content ) | Mutable(can change content using append mtd) |
2 | Not thread safe. | Thread safe. |
S.No | Jlist | JcomboBox |
1 | Its dont have Editor Component. | It have Editor Component. |
2 | It allows single,single interval and multiple interval selection. | It allow only single selection. |
S.No | Encapsulation | Abstraction |
1 | It is the mechanism that binds together the code and the data it manipulates and keeps both safe from outside information and misuse. | It denotes the essential characterstics of an object which differentiate from other object. |
2 | Hiding irrevelents details of an object. | Showing essential things of an object. |
good one!! really helpful...!!!