Hibernate is an Object/Relational Mapping solution for Java Environments.
It takes care of the mapping from Java calsses to database tables and provides
data query and retrival facility.
Why choose Hibernate over the others?
Popular Open Source Persistence Frameworks in Java
1. Hibernate – http://www.hibernate.org/
2. EJB3 – http://java.sun.com/products/ejb/index.jsp
3. Oracle Top Links – http://www.oracle.com/technology/products/ias/toplink/index.html
4. Cayenne – http://cayenne.apache.org/
5. Open JPA – http://openjpa.apache.org/
6. IBATIS- http://ibatis.apache.org/javadownloads.cgi
7. JPOX – http://www.jpox.org/
Reason of choosing Hibernate
1. Productivity, Maintainability, Portability
Hibernate provides all above O/R benefits. (Productivity, Maintainability, Portability).
2. Free – Cost Effective
Hibernate is free and open source – Cost Effective
3. Learning curve is short
Since we all have working experience in using Hibernate, and Hibernate is totally object orientated concept, it will shorted our learning curve.
4. Code generation tool
Hibernate tools provided by community helps developer generate or develop hibernate application very fast and easy. (Eclipse’s Plugin & Code generation tools)
5. Popular
Hibernate is popular, when we goes wrong with Hibernate, we can easily find the answer from Google. In addition, there are many books, communities and forums on Hibernate.
6) Market demand it
Java Market need Hibernate developer, demand of Hibernate developer is in decent growth and compare to the other tools. Hibernate working experience definitely add advantages for my next jump.
Why hibernate is used?
Hibernate makes the application development process easy
1. Hibernate saves the development time
2. Hibernate allows to map the Java objects to the relational database
3. Hibernate provides HQL for performing selective search
4. Hibernate also supports SQL Queries (Native Query)
5. Hibernate provides primary and secondary level caching support
6. Can be used in both console and web based applications
7. Developers can use the components from the Hibernate framework selectively.
8. Hibernate can be used with JPA
9. It supports both xml file and annotations as metadata
Finally why we are using hibernate means
To make the application developemnt more productive. its saves development time and also mainly it deals with Objects(POJO)
and .xml file is nothing but mapping between database column and POJO variable.
you can easily switch the database like MySql to Oracle you need not to change any of your code...
just you can change a simple dylect in cfg file of hibernate to oracle it works with no error.
Addition to that we have visual paradigm tool which helps to create the object model.
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